Sends the electronic return data directly to the IRS.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Tax preparation software
Computer software designed to complete tax returns. The tax preparation software works with the IRS electronic filing system.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Telephone tax refund
Taxpayers are eligible to file for refunds of all excise tax they have paid on long-distance service billed to them after Feb. 28, 2003.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Tip income
Money and goods received for services performed by food servers, baggage handlers, hairdressers, and others. Tips go beyond the stated amount of the bill and are given voluntarily.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Transaction taxes
Taxes on economic transactions, such as the sale of goods and services.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Tax avoidance
An action taken to lessen tax liability and maximize after-tax income.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Tax credit
A dollar-for-dollar reduction in the tax. Can be deducted directly from taxes owed.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Affordable Income Tax Preparation in Fillmore, CA
Christopher Lee, MPA · Registered CTEC Tax Preparer
Have your tax return done:
- Professionally
- Promptly
- And in strict confidence
- Individual & Small Business returns — Basic or involved
- Back income tax returns that need filing or amending
- IRS NOTICES — I can help with the proper response
A fast return brings:
- Good news to a bad economy!