Dependency exemption
Amount that taxpayers can claim for a "qualifying child" or "qualifying relative". Each exemption reduces the income subject to tax.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Direct Deposit
This allows tax refunds to be deposited directly to the taxpayer's bank account. Direct Deposit is a fast, simple, safe, secure way to get a tax refund.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Direct tax
A tax that cannot be shifted to others, such as the federal income tax.
Source: Understanding Taxes - Glossary - irs.gov
Affordable Income Tax Preparation in Fillmore, CA
Christopher Lee, MPA ยท Registered CTEC Tax Preparer
Have your tax return done:
- Professionally
- Promptly
- And in strict confidence
- Individual & Small Business returns — Basic or involved
- Back income tax returns that need filing or amending
- IRS NOTICES — I can help with the proper response
A fast return brings:
- Good news to a bad economy!